Just wanted to let you know how helpful your organic pineapple juice is. My 97 year old mom drinks it every day. she got so she wouldn't drink water, and this keeps her well hydrated. The flavor is intense enough I can mix just about any medicine or supplement in it and the flavor masks the pill. Her urologist said it was OK; he just suggested diluting it to increase the amount of fluids she gets. Caregivers are forced to learn a lot of "tricks" to keep their relative comfortable and healthy; and this is one of my most important things to have on hand. Every retailer I checked in northern Virginia was out of this a couple weeks ago (2 Giants, 2 Mom's Organic Markets, 2 Safeways, 1 Harris Teeter, even Safeways home delivery service ran out). I am glad you can order it online from you; that's good to be able to rely on. Thanks again.